The Health Committee will educate, inform, and educate the entire congregation and friends in the promotion of holistic health.
Below is a sample of some of the activities sponsored by the committee:
- Care Packages – Sent to our college students and service members who are away from home.
- Luncheons – Hosted for all members in the spring and fall.
Luncheon at Makray Country Club
- Newsletter – Articles on current health issues provided by Advocate Aurora Health Care are placed in the church newsletter and the announcement sheets on a regular basis.
- Guest Speakers – Sessions are held after church on various topics such as healthy snacking, supplements, acupuncture, and “How to be a Friend to Someone with a Serious Illness.”
- Hands on Learning & demonstrations – Includes sessions such as “Hands Only CPR,” Stop the Bleed, recycling, & “Build Your Own Vinaigrette.” The committee also works with the Sunday School children instructing about health-related issues.
- Outings – Trips are planned twice a year to areas of interest which have included the Botanic Garden, Hausermann Orchid Nursery, the Lizzardo Museum of Lipidary Art, and the Jacob Henry Mansion.
- Book Exchange – Books, magazines, & DVD’s are donated for members to have reading materials especially during the winter months.