St Paul has many active committees to participate in….
- Arts Committee decorates the interior of church to match the season.
- Buildings and Grounds reports to the Administrative Board and is responsible for the maintenance, repairs and improvements to the buildings and grounds of the church.
- Health Committee provides education opportunities to the congregation in the promotion of holistic health. This group offers guest speakers, hands-on learning and health news articles on a regular basis. The Health committee also plans outings, sends card packages to college students and service members that are away.
- Garden Committee a.k.a. Garden Girls is primarily responsible for planting and maintenance of the gardens on the exterior of the church.
- Memorial Committee oversees the Memorial Fund which was established to receive monetary gifts in the name of deceased loved ones or others to be honored such as newborns, newlyweds, parents, grandparents, other relatives, or special friends. Also, funds honoring a special event like an anniversary or birthday are welcomed. Funds are used primarily to pay for special needs that are not covered in the annual budget. (Examples of past purchases have been such things as a stove for the church kitchen, new church front doors, new choir robes, a defibrillator and remodeling of the church library) All donations are appreciated by the families of those being memorialized or honored, and also by grateful church members!
- Community Outreach refer to the Ministry tab for more information.
- South Side Cemetery St. Paul United Church of Christ and Immanuel Lutheran Church of Palatine jointly own the Southside Cemetery, formerly known as Union Cemetery. The cemetery is located on Greeley Street, two blocks south of Palatine Road. The cemetery dates back to the 1880’s and is the burial site of many of Palatine’s early settlers and well known citizens. In 1981, the Palatine Southside Cemetery Association was formed and assumed responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the cemetery. Members from St. Paul and Immanuel Lutheran are members of this association. One does not need to be a member of either congregation to have a burial site at the cemetery.
- Visitation is a committee that was formed to provide Christian fellowship and love for shut-ins and other homebound members who are no longer able to attend church and participate in its life. Throughout the year, members of the Visitation Committee keep in touch with them through visits, phone calls, and cards.
- Worship is a committee that assists and supports the Pastor and church staff in the planning and implementation of the worship service. Some of the committee’s activities include preparing and serving of communion, usher recruitment, and planning for special services such as Hanging of the Greens, Holy Holidays, Rally Day, Totenfest, and so on.